Top 10 Ways to Achieve Your Resolution
1. Begin with “Why”
Often we when we set goals we immediately think of “what” and “how” we will achieve them. “What” and “how” are important, but without knowing “why” we are doing something our motivation decreases. We need to ask ourselves “Why do we want to achieve this goal?” This will make sure we are working on the right things as well as give us deeper motivation.
Let’s say your “what” is “I want to save more money this year.” Your “why” may be “I want to begin to save to make a down-payment on a new car.” With your “why” established when you are faced with decisions like “Should I eat out tonight, or should I stay home and cook a meal?” you will have a reason to stay committed to your goal.
2. Create Motivating Buzzwords
In order to complete long-term goals, small daily decisions will determine our success. When making daily decisions, it is easy to forget and lose emotional connection to our long-term goal. Choosing a “buzzword” for our goal will help us remember the “why” and stay emotionally connected.
Here is how you determine your goal’s buzzword. Sit down and imagine what it would feel like to accomplish your goal. What is one word that sums up that feeling? That word is your goal’s buzzword. Write that buzzword down everywhere you can. Use post-it-notes and stick them around your house and at work. When you see your buzzword, it will act as a reminder of why you want to achieve your goal. Your buzzword will help you stay motivated in those small daily decisions.
3. Less is More
Most situations call for the principle, “the more the merrier,” yet when it comes to goal setting the opposite is true: “less is more.” When we set too many goals we become overwhelmed by everything that must be done and are unable to focus on completing them. Focusing on 1-3 goals at time is recommended.
4. Write Down your Goals
A goal becomes tangible and real through the act of physically writing it down. The process of writing it down also helps you remember it. Put up your goals in places where you will see them like your bathroom mirror, or on the fridge, or on your phone’s wallpaper. These posted goals will act as reminders for you every time you see them.
When you write down your goals, make them assertive and positive. Use phrases like “I will” as opposed to “I would like to” or “I might.” Here is an example of an assertive and positive goal: “I will charge my phone away from my bed to waste less time before sleep.”
5. Set Milestones
Not having a clear plan is one of the main reasons people don’t achieve their resolutions. We know where we are now and do not know how to get where we want to be, which may seem too distant and unattainable. Initially we often motivated to work towards our goals, but as the progress becomes difficult, we get discouraged by how much further we have to go. This is where our resolutions fade away. How can we stay motivated to achieve long-term goals? Set milestones!
Set your long-term goals, and then break their achievement into smaller milestones. With each milestone you create, write a couple specific action items that, when achieved, signify you have completed the milestone. Milestones will create short-term wins and bring feelings of success towards your long-term goal. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the large goal, you can look to the next milestone in front of you. With each milestone completed, you will get closer and closer to achieving your goal. Before you know it, “Bam”- you have achieved your goal!
6. Make a Deadline
Setting a firm deadline and writing it on a calendar is an easy way to increase the likelihood of achieving your goals. Having a set deadline will create a clear time-line for achieving your goal.
Let’s say your goal is to run a marathon this year. It sounds like a great goal, but making a deadline for the “where” and the “when” is essential. Before you go out and purchase some new running shoes, sign up for an actual race. Signing up for an actual race gives you a clear end-goal. It also adds an extra level of accountability by making a monetary commitment. Spending the money will increase your commitment and motivation.
7. Create a Support Group
People cannot achieve goals by themselves. Having a group of individuals to help you can significantly increase your ability to accomplish your goals. This support group may not directly aid you, but they can add accountability, advice, inspiration, and motivation.
Your support group can keep you accountable. Just knowing you have to report to someone on your progress will help you. A support group can also give you advice on how to best accomplish your goals. Individuals in your support group may have achieved similar goals. When the journey towards your goal becomes difficult, your support group can also act as a cheerleader to help motivate you to continue forward. Fill your support with people who will give you advice, accountability, inspiration, and motivation.
8. Make your Goals Public
Making your goals public gives you accountability for completing your goals. For some, just telling your family is public enough to create accountability. For others, a more public announcement may be needed. Here are some ways to be accountable and tell people your resolutions: post on social media, send a text message or email, or share at your family dinner or friend meet-up. Although it can be uncomfortable to share your goals and setbacks, you will be surprised by how many people that reach out to you to encourage you in your progress. Throughout the process, update people on how you are doing. You will get congratulations and stories of people going through similar situations. When you get off track of your goals, this will help you be accountable and get back to moving towards your goals. As you make your goals public, people will join your support group, and your ability to achieve your goals will increase.
9. Set Regular Progress Check-ups
Throughout your journey towards accomplishing your goal, it is wise to schedule regular progress check-ups. Whether these check-ups be by yourself with a journal or with a member of your support group, it does not matter. The process of evaluating how you are doing on achieving your goals is important. These check-ups can be as often as you feel necessary. You could do weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly check-ups. During the check-up, review your progress and reflect on these two questions: What are you doing well towards achieving your goal? What do you need to change in order to continue towards your goal? These check-ups will show you how far you have come and inspire you.
10. Increase Motivation through Rewards
In addition to setting milestones, associating rewards with completion can increase motivation. If your goal is to run a marathon, treat yourself not only after the 26.2, but along the way at smaller milestones. For example, once you have completed your first 10k, go get a new pair of running shorts, or after following your training schedule for a month, allow yourself to get a massage. Make sure the rewards you put in place actually motivate you and are sustainable long-term.
Over 60% of people have health and fitness as part of their resolutions, so why not start the year off right and sign up for the Utah Valley Marathon, Half Marathon, or 10K? Once you financially commit yourself, this will help keep you motivated on the path to achieving your fitness goals. Here is a discount code to help you be in the 8% of people that actually achieve their goal. SAVE 8% with this promo code: resolve