Utah Valley Marathon: Everything You Need to Know to Register
You’ve put in all the work training for your marathons this season and now it’s time to make sure you’re in on all of the best races! Don’t get left out of what many Utahns consider a yearly tradition- the Utah Valley Marathon! Here’s everything you need to know about registering.
This race takes place on June 11, 2016 at 6 AM and is limited to 2,000 participants. The spots fill up fast, but for people who have missed the deadline or simply want the VIP treatment, we have 50 additional spots for VIP registrants. The tickets get more costly the closer to the race you register, so make sure you register as soon as possible!
You can register online without additional fees and even sign the requisite waiver online. We’ll need your name, address, phone number and email upon signing up, as well as your birthdate and gender so that you can be categorized for the prizes for each age and gender group at the end of the race. Don’t forget to share that you’ve registered on Facebook so you can get $2 off your ticket!
All participants will get a finishers medal, a t-shirt, and prizes provided by Sierra West. There will be awards for the top 5 finishers in each age group and each gender. All participants will be eligible for discounts from some of the local hotels, so if you’re coming in from out of town make sure to consider that in your travel plans! Packet pick up is the day before the event between 10 AM and 9 PM at the Utah Valley Convention Center.
If you choose VIP registration, you’ll get to skip the line on race day for packet pick up, you’ll have a guaranteed spot on the buses to the starting line, and you’ll get a race day hat. You’ll also get to be a part of the VIP dinner with our symposium guest speaker that takes place the night before the race.
This race is more than just a fun run through the best scenes of what Utah Valley has to offer. This race is a Boston Qualifier as well as a part of the yearly Utah Grand Slam competition. All the proceeds from the price of your ticket will go to one of our favorite charities. Don’t delay! Register for this race today so that you can be a part of this amazing marathon!
Articles with this disclaimer may not represent the beliefs or core values of Utah Valley Marathon. The following is simply a summary taken from the industry’s general community to help readers stay up-to-date on what people are talking about.