2014 Race Day Info for All Athletes
This information is for the 2014 event.
Last updated: May 31, 2014
Packet pick-up will be held inside the Utah Valley Convention Center (UVCC) on Friday, June 13th between 10:00 AM and 9:00 PM. The convention center is located at 220 W Center Street, Provo, 84601. Each runner must present a valid photo ID or a copy of their confirmation email in order to pick-up their bib, timing chip, and race shirt.
The annual marathon symposium will be held between 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM inside the main exhibit hall at the Utah Valley Convention Center (UVCC). The symposium is open to runners and non-runners alike. Details about the speakers are listed at: Utah Valley Marathon speakers.
There will also be a runners’ expo with lots of great vendors focused on athletes and their interests. Admission to both the expo and the symposium is free.
We are excited to welcome back RunSum Race Services as our official timer. RunSum uses disposable timing chips. You will need to attach the chip you receive to your shoe with a twist tie. Incorrect placement of your timing chip may result in missing or inaccurate results.
Your official time will start as you pass the start line and stop as you cross the finish line. Do not trade bibs or chips with other athletes. Bibs are valid only for the distance they were purchased. Only the runner registered for that number may run the race. Bandits and runners participating under someone else’s name will be removed from the course.
There will be optional chip recycling stations in the finish area. We are partnering with RunSum to try and reduce the amount of waste that goes into the landfill. Help us out by recycling your timing chip and throwing it in one of our recycling buckets.
Please plan on taking an earlier bus. Our marathon and half-marathon races will start at 6:00 AM, and not everyone will be able to ride the last bus.
For the Utah Valley Marathon, full marathon runners meet their buses one block north of the Provo Marriott at the corner of 200 N and 100 W. ONLY FULL-MARATHONERS will be allowed on these buses; this bus does NOT go to the half-marathon starting line. The first marathon bus leaves at 3:00 AM, and the last bus leaves at 4:15 AM sharp.
A parking map for downtown Provo is available from the Utah Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau website and in your race guide. When parking, please ensure that you do not park in a restricted or prohibited area. Parking and towing fees, as well as traffic tickets, are your responsibility.
Full marathon runners staying at the Zermatt Resort (Midway, UT) will meet their bus in front of the resort. The first bus will leave at 4:00 AM and the last bus will leave at 4:15 AM sharp for the full marathon starting line. There will be no transportation to the half-marathon from this location. After the race, runners are responsible for providing their own transportation back to the resort.
For the Utah Valley Half-Marathon, half-marathon runners will meet their buses at the Provo Towne Centre Mall located at 1200 Towne Centre Boulevard, Provo, UT 84601. The bus pick-up will be on the east side of the mall, near the Wells Fargo Bank. ONLY HALF-MARATHONERS will be allowed on these buses; this bus does NOT go to the full marathon starting line. The first bus leaves at 3:10 AM. The last bus leaves at 4:30 AM sharp. You may park anywhere within the mall parking lot that is not reserved or blocked off. After you complete your half-marathon, we will have buses available to take you back to the Provo Towne Centre Mall and your car. Those buses will be parked on 100 S, one block south of the finish area. The last bus back to the mall and half-marathon parking leaves at noon.
For the Zion’s Bank 10K, runners will meet their buses at the Provo Towne Centre Mall located at 1200 Towne Centre Boulevard, Provo, UT 84601. The bus pick-up will be on the east side of the mall, near the Wells Fargo Bank. The first 10K bus leaves at 5:45 AM, and the last bus leaves at 6:10 AM sharp. The 10K race will start at 7:00 AM sharp. After you complete your 10K, we will have buses available to take you back to the Provo Towne Centre Mall and your car. Those buses will be parked on 100 S, one block south of the finish area. The last bus back to the mall and 10K parking leaves at noon.
Busing is NOT required for the Walgreen’s Kids’ Free 1K.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO parking or private drop-offs at the starting lines for either the full or half-marathon. Any cars found parked at either starting line will be towed by local law enforcement.
There will be water and POWERADE to drink, and fires to stay warm, at the full and half-marathon starting areas.
Both the half-marathon and the marathon starting lines will have bag drops. Your orange expo goodie bag doubles as a gear drop bag; please bring it with you to the starting line if you intend to drop-off a bag. Each bib will have a bag tag that you can tear off and zip tie to your gear bag. A volunteer will collect your bag, and we will have a truck take your belongings back to the finish area. We will have an area at the finish where you can retrieve your bag based upon your bib number. Please ensure that your tear off bib tag is attached to your gear bag. This will enable us to return your bag to you quickly and efficiently.
While we take the utmost care with all items left at the gear drop areas, DO NOT put valuable or expensive items like cameras, car or house keys, cell phones, money, watches/jewelry, expensive clothing, GPS devices, or otherwise in the gear drop bags. We cannot be held liable for lost or damaged items.
Clothing bags not picked-up on race day will be donated to a local charity.
Items left anywhere along the route will be donated to a local charity.
There is not a clothing drop-off for the Zion’s Bank 10K or the Walgreen’s Kids’ 1K runners.
The Utah Race Pacers will be pacing both the full and half-marathon distances. If you are interested in following a pacer, you will find pacers at the starting line. They will be wearing bright yellow shirts and carrying signs indicating the time in which they will finish the race (hours and minutes). There is no need to sign-up, just find the correct pacer and introduce yourself.
There will be port-a-potties. We promise!
Portable bathrooms will be located at the start, finish, and every two miles along the full and half-marathon course (beginning at mile 3 for the marathon).
The aid stations will be located every 2 miles throughout the marathon and half-marathon course (for the marathon they begin at mile 3.) Every aid station will be equipped with water and POWERADE.
CLIF Shot gels will be at miles: 7, 13 & 19 for the full marathon. CLIF Shot gels will be located at mile 6 for the half marathon.
Marathon miles 11, 15, 21 & 24 will be equipped with bananas and oranges. For the half-marathon fruit will be at miles 2, 8 & 11.
Food or gel will be located on the first table. POWERADE will be on the second table (first table if no food or gel), and water will be on the final table of each aid station.
Our full marathon course has been certified by the USATF.
Each mile on the full marathon, half-marathon, and 10K courses will be marked. There will be a clock at the full marathon halfway point and at the finish line.
Each turn will be clearly marked by a sign and staffed by law enforcement or a uniformed volunteer. Please obey their instructions; they are there for your protection and safety.
The marathon & half marathon course will be closed at 12:30 PM. All marathon runners must maintain a pace of 13:44/mile that enables them to cross the finish line no later than 12:30 PM. Runners falling behind this time will be required to move to the side of the road or sidewalk and obey standard traffic laws such as stopping at stoplights and intersections. We will have vehicles to pick up runners that are unable to finish the race.
All runners must exit Provo Canyon and be past the 800 North overpass no later than 11:30 AM.
Aid stations will close at 12:15 PM.
There are many locations to cheer the runners along University Avenue in Provo. We discourage people from standing anywhere in the Canyon as you will put yourself and others in danger. Even though the two Wasatch County bound lanes will be diverted for our race, the canyon is still open to traffic, so please do not put yourself, the athletes, or drivers in the canyon at risk.
The Road to Success Kids’ 1K Fun Run presented by Wallgreens will start at 11:30 AM. The starting line will be on Center Street, just east of the finish line. The kids will finish across the same line as the marathoners, half-marathoners, and 10K runners.
Parents do NOT need to register to run with their children.
Parents may run with their children if they wish.
We ask the strollers start at the BACK of the Walgreen’s Kids’ 1K Fun Run
Busing is not necessary for the kids’ run.
The timing company will have a results kiosk in the finishing area so that runners can check their final time.
Results will also be posted to our website as quickly as possible. Due to the large number of runners in this year’s event, as well as our dedication to accuracy, results may take a day or so to post. Please keep checking back to the Utah Valley Marathon website.
If you qualify for the Boston Marathon this year on our course, make sure that you pick-up a Boston Qualifier shirt while at our event. We will NOT mail these shirts, so remember to pick-up your shirt if you earn one!
If you manage to run your personal best time, make sure to ring the “PR Bell” that will be in the finish area. Even if this is your first marathon, half marathon, or 10K, this will be your “PR”, so ring the bell.
The awards ceremonies for all three race distances will be held on the Utah County Courthouse grounds by the flag poles, adjacent to the finish line. Awards will NOT be mailed, so please be in attendance if you expect to win an award.
Overall and Masters’ awards will be based on gun time per USATF rules. Age group awards will be based on chip times.
- 10K – 9:00 AM
- Half-marathon – 9:45 AM
- Full marathon – 10:45 AM
Several massage therapists will be available on the courthouse lawn to provide a post-race massage. These massage professionals are offering their services for free, so please make sure and thank them profusely! Their services are limited to registered runners only.
While the Utah Valley Marathon does not prohibit music players or earphones, we encourage you to keep the music low enough, or use only one ear bud, so that you can hear instructions from course marshals, volunteers, and uniformed law enforcement, as well as hear other runners that may be passing you from behind.
Music loud enough to be heard by your fellow runners can be both distracting and irritating. Please use courtesy and common sense when setting your music volume.
Our race doesn’t exist without our volunteers. If you have friends or family that aren’t running, but want to be part of the experience, encourage them to volunteer. We welcome both individuals and groups such as church, scout, work, school, or neighborhood groups. If you know someone that may be interested, they can volunteer from the button at the top of our homepage, or by registering directly at: Register to Volunteer.
Finally, if you’re participating in our race, you’ve benefited from the generosity of a volunteer. While we take every opportunity to thank them ourselves, please help us out and tell the volunteers what a great job they’re doing. We firmly believe we have the best volunteers in the world and they deserve to hear it often!